Tool: Brown Sugar Saver

Photo: Anonymous
We know first hand how frustrating it is when you go to the pantry or cupboard for the brown sugar, only to discover it is ROCK HARD and completely dried up!
Our mothers and grandmothers used a piece of bread or apple to try to solve the problem, but there was the possibility of mold imparting an undesired flavor to the sugar, and the solution was short lived.
The ceramic kitchen tool called a 'Brown Sugar Saver' which works extremely well in keeping sugar soft.
Other names: Brown Sugar Disk, Brown Sugar Bear, Brown Sugar Disc
Translations: Brūnais cukurs Saver, ブラウンシュガーセーバー, Brown Sugar užsklandos, السكر البني التوقف, Brown Sugar fiche, 브라운 슈거 보호기, Brown Sugar möglich, סוכר חום Saver, Gula Saver, ब्राउन शुगर सेवर, 红糖节电器, Смеђег шећера уштеда