Tool: Stand Mixer Mixing Bowl

Photo: Sur La Table
A stainless steel bowl that attaches to most standing mixers. Used for mixing cake batter, making dough, whip cream and other creations.
Other names: Stand-Mixer Mixing Bowl
Translations: Stand Mixer maisīšanas trauka, Stand Mixer Ανάμιξη Bowl, Stand Mixer maišyklės, تقف خلاطة خلط السلطانية, Stánok Mixer Mixing Bowl, ミキサーミキシングボウルスタンド, Stand Mixer za miješanje Bowl, Küchenmaschine Rührschüssel, Stánek Mixer Mixing Bowl, לעמוד מיקסר ערבוב לקערה, 믹싱 보울 믹서 스탠드, Umangkas panghalo halo mangkok, मिक्सर मिलाकर देखना बाउल खड़े हो जाओ, 站在搅拌机搅拌碗, Stand Mixer Mešanje Bowl, Постоље миксера Посуда за мешање, Stand Mixer Смесването на Купата