Tool: Copper Core Skillet


Copper core skillets combine the heat-conducting abilities of copper and aluminum with the easy maintenance and durability of stainless steel. A pure copper core extends along the bottom and up the side walls of the saucepans, providing rapid, even heat distribution. The stainless steel cooking surface is stick-resistant and easy to clean.


Translations: Copper Core kastrolītis, Vario Core Skillet, Bakar Core Skillet, Đồng Core Skillet, कॉपर कोर लंबे दस्ते की कड़ाही, Núcleo de cobre Skillet, Медным сердечником Skillet, Χαλκός Core Skillet, النحاس الأساسية المقلاة, 구리 코어 프라이팬, Основни бакра Скиллет, Copper Core kawali, 铜芯煎锅, Coure Core Skillet, נחושת Core Skillet, Tembaga Core Skillet, 銅コアはSkillet, Kupferkern Skillet, Cobre Core Skillet, Мідним серцевиною Skillet, Kuparista Core Skillet, Медно жило Skillet



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