Tool: Absinthe Spoon
A flat, usually silver, slotted spoon used to dissolve sugar into a glass of absinthe. The spoon is placed on top of a glass and liquid, usually the absinthe itself or water, is slowly poured over the sugar cube which dissolves and drips into the beverage.
Translations: Absints Karote, Absentas Spoon, Absinthe lingură, Pelin Spoon, Absint Spoon, Absinthe चम्मच, Absinto Colher, Абсент Spoon, Αψίνθιο κουτάλι, ملعقة شراب مسكر, 압생트나 스푼, Absint lžíce, Absinthe Sendok, Absinthe kutsara, 苦艾酒勺, Absinthe Cullera, Absint Spoon, Absint lyžice, האבסינת כפית, Апсинт Кашика, アブサンスプーン, Cuillère à absinthe, Absinth Löffel, Absinthe Cuchara, Абсент Spoon, Absinthe lusikka, Абсент Лъжица