Tool: Batter Bowl

Photo: Sur La Table
The ultimate bowl for making pancakes, muffins, cakes and other batters. High side walls help prevent splatters when mixing or using an electric beater. This bowl stays put with the non-skid base while you mix ingredients. The wide lip and useful spout ma
Translations: Plakanot Bowl, Aluat Bowl, Tijesto Bowl, Ciasto Bowl, बल्लेबाज बाउल, Баттер Боул, Πάστα Bowl, الخليط السلطانية, 타자 보울, Těsto Mísa, Adonan Bowl, Humampas mangkok, 巴特尔碗, Batedor Bowl, Batinati Bowl, Cesto Misa, הבלילה לקערה, Smeten Bowl, Тесто Боул, バターボウル, Dej Bowl, Bateador Bowl, Баттері Боул, Taikina Bowl, Batter Купата