Tool: Coffee Filter


A coffee filter is a coffee-brewing device made of either paper or stainless steel mesh. It keeps the ground beans separate from the brewed coffee.


Translations: Kafijas filtru, Kavos filtras, Filtru de cafea, Aparat za filter, Bộ lọc cà phê, Kawa przefiltrowana, Koffiefilter, कॉफी फ़िल्टर, Filtro de Café, Электрический фильтр, Καφές φίλτρου, تصفية القهوة, 커피 필터, Káva filtr, Кафа филтер, Kape ng Filter, 咖啡过滤纸, Cafè de filtre, Kava Filter, Káva filter, Caffè Filtro, קפה פילטר, Kaffefilter, Filter Kopi, コーヒーフィルター, Filtre à café, Kaffe Filter, Kaffe Filter, Filtro de café, Електричний фільтр, Suodatinpussi, Кафе филтър



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