Tool: Stainless Steel Tagine


A stainless steel tangine is modeled after the traditional cooking tool of Morocco, that is normally made out of clay. A tagine can be used in the oven or on top of the stove. The tangine is designed for even heat distribution, including up the sides of the pan.


Translations: Nerūdijančio plieno tagine, Oţel inoxidabil Tagine, Nehrđajući čelik Tagine, Thép không gỉ Tagine, Stal nierdzewna tagine, Roestvrij staal Tagine, स्टेनलेस स्टील tagine, Aço inoxidável Tagine, Нержавеющая сталь Tagine, الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ طاجين, 스테인레스 강은 Tagine, Z nerezové oceli tagine, Hindi kinakapitan ng kalawang Steel Tagine, 不锈钢Tagine, Tagine d'acer inoxidable, Z nerezovej ocele tagine, Acciaio inossidabile Tagine, נירוסטה Tagine, Rostfritt stål Tagine, Нерђајући челик Тагине, ステンレス鋼はタジン, Tagine d'acier inoxydable, Rustfrit stål Tagine, Rustfritt stål Tagine, Tagine de acero inoxidable, Нержавіюча сталь Tagine, Неръждаема стомана Tagine



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elainem's picture

Where can I buy this particular tagine. It was used on Saturday kitchen today?


I would also like to know where I can buy this tagine too. Thanks