Tool: Butter Dish
A special dish used to store butter. Generally it has a flat, plate-like base on which the butter is placed, and a piece that fits sucurely on top.
Translations: Sviests Trauku, Sviestinė, Unt Dish, Maslac Dish, Maselniczka, Botervloot, मक्खन डिश, Manteiga de louça, Масленка, Βουτυριέρα, زبدة صحن, 버터 접시, Máslo mísa, Mantikilya ulam, 黄油碟, Mantega plat, Maslo Dish, Maslo misa, BURRO, חמאת דיש, Smör Dish, Маслац антене, バター皿, Beurrier, Butterdose, Smør Dish, Smør Dish, Mantequilla plato, Масленка, Voi Astianpesukoneet, Масло антена