Tool: Copper Stockpot


Tall enough to hold many layers of vegetables and wide enough to encourage evaporation, this handsome tin-lined pot keeps stock simmering at just the right temperature for hours.


Translations: Vara Stockpot, Vario Stockpot, Cazan de cupru, Bakar stockpot, Đồng Stockpot, Miedzi Stockpot, Koper soeppan, कॉपर Stockpot, Cobre Stockpot, Медь Stockpot, Χαλκός stockpot, النحاس Stockpot, 구리 Stockpot, Měď hrnec na polévku, Tembaga Stockpot, 铜汤锅, Coure olla, Meď hrniec na polievku, Pentola di rame, נחושת מרק, Koppar BULJONGKITTEL, Бакар Стоцкпот, 銅供給源, Marmite de cuivre, Kobber gryde, Kobber Stockpot, Cobre olla, Мідь Stockpot, Kupari Stockpot, Мед Stockpot



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