Tool: Fruit Muddle
Photo: Sur La Table
A pestle designed for pressing fruit in cocktail glasses. The concave surface of the muddle base mirrors the contours of fruit for easier use, while distinct pyramid-shaped burls on the base allow for optimum muddling.
Translations: Augļu juceklis, Vaisiai jukinys, Fructe talmeş-balmeş, Voće zbrkati, Trái cây muddle, Owoców zamęt, Fruit Chaos, फल अव्यवस्था, Frutas Muddle, Фрукты Сумбур, Φρούτα Πολτοποιείτε, الفاكهة مشوش, 과일 혼란, Ovoce zmatek, Воће збрка, Fruit pagkataranta, 水果困惑, Fruites Tritureu, Sadje Nered, Ovocie zmätok, Frutta confusione, פירות בבלגן, Frukt oreda, Buah berantakan, フルーツマッドル, Fruit Muddel, Frugt Muddle, Frukt rotet, Frutas Triture, Фрукти Сумбур, Hedelmät sotku, Плодове бъркотия