Tool: Absinthe Grille
An absinthe grille is a perforated spoon with three or more legs that hold it above a glass. The grille is another sugar tool for sweetening absinthe.
Other names: Absinthe Spoon
Translations: Absints Calandre, Absentas Grille, Absint Grille, Pelin rešetka, Absynt Grille, Absint Grille, Absinthe सलाख़ें, Абсент решетки, Αψίνθιο Grille, شراب مسكر مصبغة, 압생트나 그릴, Absint Grille, Absinthe ihawan, 苦艾酒格栅, Absinthe reixeta, Absint Calandre, Absint Grille, Assenzio Grille, האבסינת הגריל, Absint Grille, Апсинт Грил, アブサングリル, Absinthe rejilla, Абсент решітки, Абсент решетка
April 9, 2011
Only for the most seasoned absinthe drinkers!