Tool: Beaker Glass
A beaker is a popular term in the UK to describe a type of beverage container. It is typically a non-disposable plastic or ceramic cup or mug with no handle.
Translations: Vārglāzē Stikla, Cheminė stiklinė Stiklas, Cană din sticlă, Staklo pehar, Cốc thủy tinh, Zlewki szklane, Beaker Glas, बीकर ग्लास, Copo de vidro, Стакан стекла, Υάλινο, الدورق الزجاجي, 비커 유리, Kádinka sklo, 玻璃烧杯, Vas de vidre, Kadička sklo, Recipiente di vetro, כוס זכוכית, Bägare Glas, Пехар стакла, ビーカーガラス, Bécher de verre, Becherglas, Vaso de vidrio, Стакан скла, Beaker стъкло