Tool: Cast Iron Skillet


A frying pan made of cast iron. Cast iron is used for cookware because it is non-toxic and has excellent heat retention and diffusion properties. It can be either bare, which requires "seasoning," or enameled. Because of the thickness, cast iron is very resistant to warping or damage from burning. It can be used stove top, in the oven, on the grill, or even directly over a campfire.

One disadvantage of cast iron is that it is much thicker and heavier than other materials, including stainless steel, aluminum, and copper. Another is cast iron can also crack or break if dropped on a hard surface because it is brittle.

Cast iron can be hand washed with soap and water to remove absorbed flavors. Then it must be dried completely to prevent rusting. Alternatively, you can rinse well with water, add a couple tablespoons of coarse salt and use a paper towel to scrub it. Boiling will also remove all but the most burned on material and it won't remove the seasoning. Rinse well under water and hand dry. Always give it a light coating of cooking oil before storing.


Other names: Cast Iron Frying Pan, Cast Iron Pan
Translations: Čuguna kastrolītis, Ketaus keptuvę, Din fonta, tighel, Lijevano željezo Skillet, कास्ट आयरन लंबे दस्ते की कड़ाही, Чугунные Skillet, Πρωταγωνιστές Skillet Σίδερο, الزهر المقلاة, 캐스트 아이언 프라이팬, Litinová Skillet, Cast Iron wajan, Cast Iron kawali, 铸铁斯基利特, Paella de ferro colat, Cast Iron skillet, Liatinová Skillet, ברזל יצוק מחבת, Gjutjärn Skillet, Цаст Ирон Офф Цаусе, 鋳鉄スキレット, Cast Iron stegepande, Sartén de hierro fundido, Чавунні Skillet, Valurauta Skillet, Чугун тиган


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Jahnaviu's picture

We recently bought one on the recommendation of one of my friends. He uses the skillet to make pizzas from scratch. He places the rolled out pizza dough with all the ingredients into the skillet and bakes it in the oven. It's evenly baked, crunchy and so delicious.