Tool: Cheese Slicer


A device used to easily slice cheese without the aid of a knife. Originally modelled on a carpenter's plane, many cheese slicers cut at a set thicknes. Some devices use a taught wire to pull through the cheese. Make sure purchase a quality one if it has a wire, or you will be buying a new one very soon due to the wire breaking.


Translations: Siera nazis, Sūrio peilis, Brânză Slicer, Sir Šlicer, Ser Slicer, Kaasschaaf, Ostehøvelen, Сыр Slicer, Τυρί Slicer, الجبن القطاعة, 치즈 슬라 이서, Sýry Slicer, 奶酪切片机, Màquina de tallar formatge, Sir Slicer, Syry Slicer, גבינה מבצעה, Osthyvel, Сир слицер, チーズスライサー, Ost Slicer, पनीर slicer, Máquina de cortar queso, Сир Slicer, Juustohöylä, Сирене Slicer



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