Technique: Deboning Whole Poultry

Photo: Anonymous
This a method used to remove the bones from a whole bird, such as turkey, chicken, or duck close up stuff and roast as a normal bird. These are the basic steps:
1. Place the bird breast side down
2. Use a sharp paring knife and make a slice down the length of the back
3. Start to cut the meat away from the bones going down one side. Stay close to the bone and scrape as you go.
4. As you get to the thigh and wing, cut the tendons and separate them from the skeleton. Take the bone out of the thigh, but leave it inside the drumsticks and wings.
5. Continue down until you are able to remove the breast bone, being careful not to cut the skin.
6. Lay out the bird and season with salt and pepper.
7. Sew up the back of the bird with a thick thread and large gauge needle, curved upholstery needles work well.
8. Stuff and roast as you would a normal bird, but keep in mind that a more stuffing will fit inside.
This is also the technique one used to create Turducken, where a series of birds are stuffed inside of each other.
December 22, 2008
I've used the technique described at with really good luck. The advantage is that you get a completely intact boneless bird.
In the summer, I fill the boneless bird with lemon slices, herbs, and optionally olives, then rub with olive oil and salt, and lay it flat on the grill over a medium fire and close the lid. It's like spatchcocking, but with no need for the brick on top. It takes about 15 minutes on each side. When it comes off the grill you just slice the whole bird and serve with pita. It is a very impressive presentation that is also delicious.
December 24, 2008
Getting the keelbone out is definitely one fo the harder parts, but there's no real trick to it, just keep cutting meat away from the bone, essentially scraping it off with your knife. It's important to be using a smaller knife for this...but if you keep at it, you'll get it all out. Good luck!