Technique: How To Release The Full Flavor Of Basil
So you are making pesto and are just about ready to drop in a handful of basil leaves into the pesto.
Wait! Stop! There is one more step you must do!
Slip the basil in a Ziploc bag, and pound gently to bruise the leaves, ever so slightly.
This releases the full flavor of basil.
Now, continue on with what you were doing.
Translations: Kā, lai atraisītu pilnu aromātu Basil, Kaip atskleisti visą skonio Vasilijus, Cum Pentru a elibera aroma completa de busuioc, Kako Izdanje puni okus bosiljka, Làm thế nào để phát hành The Hương vị toàn Of Basil, Jak uwolnić pełny aromat bazylii, Hoe wilt u de volle smaak van basilicum Release, तुलसी का पूरा स्वाद कैसे रिलीज करने के लिए, Como liberar o sabor de manjericão, Как выпуска Полный вкусом базилика, Πώς να Release την πλήρη γεύση του Βασίλη, كيف للافراج عن النكهة الكاملة باسيل, 어떻게 바실의 전체 풍미를 출시하기 위해, Jak uvolnit plnou chuť Basil, Како Издање Пун укус босиљка, Paano Upang Release Ang lasa Full Of Basil, 如何释放罗勒味十足, Com posar en llibertat a tot el sabor de l'alfàbrega, Kako Release Full Flavor Of Basil, Ako uvoľniť plnú chuť Basil, Come liberare tutto il gusto del basilico, כיצד לשחרר את הטעם המלא של בזיל, Att frigöra den fulla smak av basilika, Cara Pers Flavor Kendali Of Basil, どのようにバジルの味を解放するには, Comment libérer toute la saveur de basilic, Wie man das volle Aroma Basil Release, Hvordan frigøre hele Flavor Of Basil, Slik slipper du full smaken av basilikum, ¿Cómo poner en libertad a todo el sabor de albahaca, Як випуску Повний смаком базиліка, Miten Release Full Flavor Of Basil, Как да реализира пълния аромат на Василий
March 5, 2010
Thank you! This is a wonderful tip.
March 5, 2010
So glad you found it useful! I could really tell the difference when I did that!
May 20, 2010
I was just looking thru some of the hints and found this great tip for basil....thanks.
June 6, 2010
Now I'm really curious! Just a few hours ago, earlier today, I read in a cooking magazine that one should NOT bruise Basil as one would bruise flat leaf parsley. I'll have to try both methods and see if I can taste a difference. :-)