Technique: Freezing Tofu
Freezing tofu makes it chewy, which is perfect for recipes that call for a meaty texture.
Freezing is easy: place the container in the freezer. However, you must then defrost it by placing the tofu in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours or by removing it from the package, placing it in a bowl and defrosting it in the microwave for 10 minutes.
Frozen and defrosted tofu will appear slightly yellow. Press thawed tofu for maximum chewiness. To press, place the tofu between two tea towels or several sheets of paper towels and gently set a book on top. Let it sit for 30 minutes or so until the liquid has all seeped out.
Translations: Saldēšana Tofu, Užšaldymo Tofu, Congelarea Tofu, Zamrzavanje Tofu, Đậu phụ đông lạnh, Zamrożenie Tofu, Invriezen Tofu, ठंड Tofu, Congelamento Tofu, Замораживание Тофу, Ψύξη Tofu, تجميد التوفو, 냉동 두부, Zmrazení Tofu, Pembekuan Tahu, Nagyeyelong Tofu, 冷冻豆腐, La congelació del formatge de soja, Zamrzovanje Tofu, Zmrazenie Tofu, Congelamento Tofu, מקפיא טופו, Frysning Tofu, Замрзавање Тофу, 凍結豆腐, Congélation Tofu, Frysning Tofu, Underkjølt Tofu, La congelación del queso de soja, Заморожування Тофу, Jäädytys Tofu, Замразяване тофу