Technique: Braiding
Braiding is a process of intertwining two or more strands to form a whole. Culinary braiding is most often done in breads, the most well known of which is the challah, a traditional Jewish bread. One type of braided bread is the three strand. The dough is divided into three portions, and rolled out into tubes. These tubes are joined at one end, braided, and pinched together or tucked underneath at the end. More strands may be used, and they can be knotted and twisted into different shapes.
Translations: Afrikāņu bizītes, Kasytės, Împletitură, Pletenice, Tết tóc bím, Plecenie, Vlechten, ब्रेडिंग, Tranças, Оплетка, Κοτσίδες, تجديل, 땋기, Opletení, Плетенице, Tirintas, 编织, Trena, Vpletanje, Opletenie, Intrecciatura, אפיפה, Flätning, Kepang braiding, 編組, Tressage, Flechten, Fletning, Fletting, Trenza, Обплетення, Letitys, Африкански плитки
September 24, 2009
Notice the unglazed sections on this beautiful loaf? To correct this, brush on the glaze AFTER the dough has risen. The loaf will rise more in the oven, of course, so brush the glaze on again after the loaf has risen in the oven.