Baja Chicken Enchilada Soup
Three years ago one of our local restaurants had a soup they called baja chicken enchilada. I got to have it maybe 3 times before it was permanently removed from the menu due to lack of interest. I just have to say how much that totally SUCKED because this soup was awesome. So I have been trying to duplicate it from memory ever since. Nothing has been quite right and by now, I’m sure I barely remember what it tasted like. But then I threw this together this morning for a last minute Thoughtless Thursday post (I know, I’m late, but I’ve been recovering from a 14 hour drive–for those who wondered, Oktoberfest in Omaha was a blast). By Jove, I think I got it! Or at least something I’m willing to accept as sufficiently awesome that I’ll keep the recipe. It’s not as fix it and forget it as a lot of crock pot recipes, but it’s well worth the effort.