Eggless Chocolate Cake
I wasn’t really planning on baking these eggless cupcakes, but what do you know, I forgot to check my “stock” before going to the supermarket last night. As it turned out, I only had 2 eggs left, and I still had an order of macaroons to make. That means I don’t have any spare eggs for my chocolate craving. I was bent on making brownies or another cupcake recipe but.. I didn’t have enough eggs. Gaaah.
So, what does one do to scratch the itch of baking another chocolate cupcake?
a. Go to the nearest sari-sari store (neighborhood store);
b. Search the WWW for eggless cupcakes;
c. Forget about the itch.
I could’ve easily chosen A as the store was just around the corner – a measly 2-3 minutes walk from my apartment. But I did not. I am too lazy for that.
I just can’t forget about my craving, can I?
Yes! I definitely went with option B. I searched high and low for a good eggless chocolate cupcake recipe. It wasn’t that hard, I came across one within minutes. I’m not sure if this will be a favorite when “eggless” situations happen. You know me, I am in constant search of the “best” recipes. ;)