Broad Beans - Bakla


1 kilogram broad beans
3 tablespoons sweet pepper paste/tomato paste


Take all the beans out of the large pods, if they are small leave them in the pod. Cut the pods into fairly small pieces. Dice the onions. In a large saucepan pour in the oil and fry the onions until clear. Add in the beans cook and stir for 5 minutes. Add in the pepper paste and stir through. Add in enough water to cover the beans. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cook on a med-high heat for 1 hour. Check and cook for a further 30 minutes if necessary. (I cook this in my pressure cooker for 1 hour)Broad bean shells are rather tough and I cook mine for a prolonged period and it is always lovely and soft.
If you want to add meat to this you can just add in 150gr or 200gr diced meat and fry it after cooking the onions then proceed with the rest.


1.0 servings


Monday, May 9, 2011 - 5:25am


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