Savory Mushroom and Swiss Marinated Beef Sandwich
Category: Main Dishes | Blog URL:
This recipe was entered in The Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook contest, a compilation of the world’s best food blogs which was published in Fall 2010.
Photo: Deidra Manintveld
Hey everybody, I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day .. what did you and your loved one do for the big day? Go out for dinner? Take in a movie? Or, did you keep it pretty frugal .. a picnic in the park? Rent videos and stay inside all nice and toasty? Whatever you did, how fabulous for you!
So, you know you wanna ask! What did moi and the silly Dutch guy do for V-day? We both had to work .. ALL DAY! Sure, someone has to be around to decorate cakes and rent out videos to all you Valentine's Day celebrators .. and that just happened to be us! You should have come in and said hi .. *wink*
It's all good, it gave me ALL DAY to think of something special to make for my sweetheart for dinner ..
I racked my brain for something different, something sandwichy for the Dutch guy .. something that wouldn't take forever to fix ..