Homemade Tomato Sauce
8 1-pint canning jars
15 pounds Tomatoes
2 cups Chopped onions
1 cup Green bell peppers --
1 cup Celery -- diced
2 tablespoons Brown sugar
2 Garlic cloves -- minced
1 tablespoon Fresh parsley -- minced
1 tablespoon Fresh basil
1 tablespoon Oregano
1 1/2 tablespoons Non-iodized salt -- * see
1/2 teaspoon Black pepper
1. Prepare jars following manufacturer's directions for sterilizing.
2. Use 12-15 pound of fresh, ripe tomatoes. If you want them peeled, dip in boiling water briefly until skins split. Rinse in cold water. Remove cores and any green spots. To reduce cooking time, chop tomatoes. Put into a large, heavy pan. It is very important to use a heavy pan to prevent tomatoes from sticking and scorching. Simmer the tomatoes for 2 hours, stirring frequently.
3. Add the remaining ingredients and simmer overnight or until the sauce has cooked down by half. To prevent sauce from sticking, fill a large roasting pan with the sauce, set it in a 250-degree oven, and let it cook until it is as thick as you want it; stir occasionally as it cooks. The sauce will not stick using this method. If you want a smooth sauce, or if you have not peeled the tomatoes, you can sieve the sauce or use a blender or food processor to make it smooth.
4. When sauce is the consistency you desire, pour it into hot jars, leaving 1/4-inch of head space. Adjust lids. Process in a pressure canner with 10 pounds pressure, 20 minutes for pints, 25 for quarts.
Yield: 8 pints.
NOTE: See "Tomato Jam" in this cookbook if you make this using a boiling water bath instead of a pressure canner. Omit the onion, green peppers and celery if using water bath; 45 minutes in a boiling water bath is then sufficient. You can freeze this sauce, including the onion, green pepper and celery if you prefer.
This recipe is given using all three methods of preserving this sauce because many people are going back to the old ways of canning produce. If freezing, freeze in proportions to use all at one time in a recipe. Usually 1 quart of sauce will make a recipe for 4 to 6 people.
1.0 servings
Monday, November 30, 2009 - 2:56pm