Pork Blood Stew
1 kilogram pork belly, cut into 1″ pieces
350 grams pork liver, minced
4 cups pig’s blood
3 pieces red/green chili peppers
4 cloves garlic, crushed and minced
1 piece thumb-sized ginger, minced
1 pc large-sized onion, halved and sliced thinly
1 cup vinegar
2 tablespoons fish sauce
2 pieces bay leaf
2 tablespoons salt
pepper (optional)
2 tablespoons of cooking oil
Add the onion, bay leaf, fish sauce, and vinegar. Let the vinegar boil for about 5-10 minutes without stirring. Then pour in the meat stock and let it simmer for 10 or 15 minutes more. Avoid stirring the stew during this time. Add water or pork meat stock if the water dries up before the pork is tender.
When the pork is tender, add the liver and pigs blood. If the blood had already coagulated and formed some solid mass, mash the blood with a potato masher before adding to the stew. Stir occasionally until it thickens. Add the red/green chili peppers and let it simmer again for 5-10 minutes over low to medium heat.
Pork Blood Stew also known as Dinuguan ( dee-noo-goo-an) is a Filipino savory stew of blood and meat simmered in a rich, spicy gravy of pig's blood, garlic, chili peppers and vinegar. It is similar to the Spartan's black broth made also of pork, salt, vinegar and blood. This stew is often served with steamed rice or with rice cakes, and is perfect with a glass of ice cold beer.
Thursday, December 10, 2009 - 2:22am