Tortilla Española
Once the eggs are set, place a dinner plate over the pan and flip over. The omelet should easily slide onto the plate. Immediately place the pan back on the heat and slide the omelet back into the pan in order to cook the other side.
If the flipping technique seems a little scary, you may finish the tortilla by placing the pan in a 350 F oven until the omelet is cooked through (about 15 minutes).
This is a traditional recipe from Spain which is also common throughout Latin America. It may be served as a main course or as a tapa .
Friday, December 10, 2010 - 1:02am
October 23, 2009
My son introduced me to this dish when he lived in Spain. As a vegetarian, in a country where almost nothing is vegetarian, he lived on this. The Spaniards use tortilla in great sandwiches which they call bocadillas. My son used to frequent a little cafe in Sagunto (north of Valencia) where the owner got to know him and as a favor to the poor college student would add extra tomatoes etc. to the bocadillo. With or without the extras this a a great dish that will wow your family or guests. You can cut the tortilla into wedges or squares and serve it as an appetizer too.
I would suggest a couple of things to anyone making this dish. First, use a lot more than 2
Tsp of oil. I used about a cup of oil int he frying pan to thoroughly cook the potatoes. You can drain the oil from the potatoes by placing them in a strainer or collander before adding the egg. The used oil has a great potato/onion flavor and can be used later.
The second recommendation is to get a fritatta pan from Williams Sonoma to make this dish. It consists of two frying pans that have interlocking handles. All you have to do is place the second pan over the bottom pan and flip the pans over. Calphalon makes the fritatta pans exclusively for Williams Sonoma ($99 and $129 versions). If you live close to a Calphalon outlet (i.e. Gilroy, CA, Kittery, ME, Orland, FL etc. ) you can pick up the pans for about $60. The pans eliminate the tricky step of placing a plate over the frying pan and adeptly flipping and then sliding the half cooked tortilla back into the frying pan.