Grilled Onion Flowers
Peel onions; cut almost through each onion, forming 8 wedges. Tear off four 24 x 18 inch pieces of heavy foil. Fold each in half crosswise to make a double thickness of foil. Trim to make 12-inch squares. Place an onion in the center of each foil square. Stir together butter or margarine, mustard, and hot pepper sauce. Drizzle mixture over onions. Sprinkle with brown sugar. Bring up two opposite edges of each foil square and seal edges with a double fold. Fold remaining ends to completely enclose each onion, leaving space for steam to build.
Arrange preheated coals around a drip pan in a covered grill. Test for medium heat above the pan. Place foil packets on grill for 25 minutes or until onions are nearly tender. Make two-inch opening in the top of each packet. Cover and grill for 10 minutes more or until onions are lightly browned. Sprinkle with pepper.
Makes 4 servings.
Note: I had seven Wala-Wala onions, so used a stick of margarine, used spicy brown mustard 'cause that's all we could find, and added the mustard and hot pepper sauce till it looked right. Threw a big pinch of brown sugar on the top of each onion. Plopped each onion on some foil, folded the foil up and put the onions on a hot grill when the neighboring campers were finished with their grill, grilled about 30 minutes, and everyone who ate these loved them.
NOTES : Technically it is not lowfat because the onions are so low-cal, but I really thought people here might enjoy this, so I am pushing my luck. I made these yesterday and used a peach-vidalia hot sauce (and much more of it than 1/8 tsp). They were fabulous. I ended up eating 2 myself!
4.0 servings
Sunday, December 6, 2009 - 12:52am