Yeast Sourdough Starter


3 tablespoons sugar
2 cups warm water


In a 4 to 6 cup plastic pitcher or large nonmetallic bowl, combine all ingredients. Beat with a wooden or plastic spoon until blended. Fermentation will dissolve small lumps. Cover with a cloth. Set in a warm place free from drafts and let ferment 2 to 3 days. Stir mixture several times a day.
To use, remove starter needed for recipe. Refrigerate remaining starter in a plastic pitcher or container with a lid that has an air vent or hole in it. Label container with contents.
After using some starter, replenish by stirring in equal amounts of water and all-purpose flour ( such as 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup flour ). Let starter stand at room temperature until full of bubbles. Refrigerate. If a clear liquid forms on top, stir back into starter.




1.0 servings


Sunday, December 6, 2009 - 12:13am

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