Juanita's Chocolate Fudge Icing

Category: Desserts & Sweets | Blog URL: http://www.therecanbeonlyjuan.com/2010/01/chocolate-fudge-icing.html
This recipe was entered in The Foodista Best of Food Blogs Cookbook contest, a compilation of the world’s best food blogs which was published in Fall 2010.
Since being bitten by the baking bug of late, I have become more and more aware of how the correct tools make the job so much easier. One of the ironies of having been a professional chef is that, because I had access to any possible kitchen implement as part of my job in industrial kitchens, I never really bothered to buy any for home use. Also, the last thing I usually felt like doing when getting home from a sixteen hour split-shift was cooking/baking, thus adding to my lack-of-basic-baking-implement chagrin.
So for Christmas 2009, I bribed close family with the promise of baked goods if they bought me some nifty kitchen gifts. Subsequently, they obliged, and I made out like a bandit garnering:
-a rustic Jamie Oliver cookbook from my hubby;
-a hardcore Soehnle digital kitchen scale from my parents;
-a workhorse Philips electrical hand mixer from my brother/sister-in-law;
-a funky Boston Warehouse Cake Walk Lazy Susan shaped like cupcakes from my aunt and her partner.
In January of 2010, I treated myself to a trip to Binuns for the first time, which sells all manner of catering equipment, and was shocked at the price of things! For instance, a chiffon cake pan was close to ZAR400 (roughly USD52)! So I drooled (metaphorically) up and down the aisles, and eventually walked out a half hour later with a blue spatula, a little cake skewer and a little (and relatively economical at ZAR50) non-stick flat bundt cake pan, which I think is just the cutest thing!
I found a cheaper shop around the corner where I managed to buy a well-priced plastic cake storer/carrier, a baking sheet and one round/one oblong wire cooling rack.
Obviously, I just HAD to try out my new toys! I made a chocolate cake using this recipe (http://www.therecanbeonlyjuan.com/2010/01/chocolate-cupcakes.html) (FYI: the recipe turned out one cake and 10 cupcakes), substituting a mix of rice flour/potato flour instead of the pre-mixed gluten-free flour. It turned out beautifully moist and uncracked.
Then I decided to play around with the topping and made a chocolate fudge icing, instead of the usual ganache. It turned out decadently!
February 18, 2010
Having eaten this, I can testify to the utter yumminess!