Saffron Prawns Splendid With Sauteed Spinach
These saffron prawns are delicious served over pasta, rice or, if your "just mad about saffron" a risotto Milianese.
A splendid side for this creation is sauteed spinach (recipe included above). It couldn't be easier to prepare. It can sit, covered in the pan for about 15 minutes...just enough time to whip up the prawns.
When buying prawns, if fresh from the sea (no later than yesterday) isn't available, go for the frozen variety! In bulk or a sealed bag, these will taste better that those in your local fish case. The prawns in the majority of fish cases were frozen at sea and thawed by the fish monger. The problem is, there is no way of knowing when they were thawed or how. If you buy the prawns frozen you can control the thawing process. To thaw them: place them in a bowl in the refrigerator (covered, or still in the bag) the day before you need them to allow them to slowly thaw. If you need them more quickly, they can be put in a colandar, in the sink, a few hours before you need them and allowed to thaw. Spray them with cold water to speed up the process and for a final rinse before preparation. Blot them dry with paper towels before cooking.