Pickled Peppers
2 1/2 pounds Red and green bell peppers
pound or 2 ½ fresh hot chilies
(about 4 quarts)
1 quart Vinegar
1 quart water
4 teaspoons Salt (to make 8 pints)
Olive oil optional
Wash the peppers or chilies thoroughly. Cut around the stem of each largepepper and pull out the stem with attached core and seeds. Leave the peppers whole of cut them into sections or strips, as desired. Hot chiliesmay be stemmed and seeded, of left whole with stems intact. Make two smallslits in whole peppers or chilies.
Pack the peppers of chilies rather tightly into jars. Pour the hot vinegarmixture over the peppers to within 1/2 inch of the jar rims. Or, if youwish to add olive oil, pour the vinegar to within 3/4 inch of the rim and pour oil to within 1/2 inch of the rims. The peppers or chilies will becoated with oil when they pass through the oil layer as you use them.
Cover jars and process for 15 minutes in a boiling water bath.
6.0 servings
Friday, December 10, 2010 - 1:02am