Roasted Radishes


Bunch of radishes
2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1 tsp of ground pepper
1 tsp of sea salt


Preheat the oven to 375°F. Clean the radishes and cut them in half, putting them and their leaves on the baking sheets. Take the olive oil and drizzle it over top of veggie. Take the pepper and sea salt and sprinkle over top. Get the hands ready and start mixing it up a bit to make sure all the surfaces are covered. The radishes also bake better if the cut side is placed down on the sheet.
Bake about a half hour (depends upon your oven, so the first time around you may want to check after about 20 min) until the radishes begin to get caramelized on the inside and outside. Pull them out and allow them to cool. Eat'em up radish, leaves, and all.


When I was a wee little lass, my dad would take me over to his friend, Shirley's house by the lake. Shirley was like the grandma I never had.

And when we would visit in the summer she always picked out fresh radishes from her garden to give to me. My dad would take out his pocket knife and make a couple slices into the side, and we would grab a salt shaker to give them a little umph before eating them whole.

As I went to the gym yesterday, I hoped up onto an elliptical and grabbed a copy of Whole Living to keep me company. I stumbled on this easy little snack and modified it to my liking. What peaked my interest: Radishes.

Beautiful, tasty radishes. A treat that gives me a bit of childhood summertime nostalgia. I did grab a pearing knife and ate one raw with a dash of salt for good ol' times sake.


4 servings


Friday, August 12, 2011 - 7:06am


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