Healthy Chocolate Aztec Cupcakes
Aztec Chocolate Cupcakes has no dairy in it, so not only is it low fat but it is also vegan! Chocolate cake recipes normally call for milk, butter and eggs, which is very high in fat but this recipe has none of those ingredients making this not only low fat, but is also for those people who are lactose intolerant. This cupcake recipe is very moist, so you do not need to add frosting~
Using whole wheat flour, walnuts and cocoa it is perfect for those on a anti-inflammatory diet as well as being nutritious. This cupcake can also be made into a cake if you would prefer and if you want an added Mexican flair to this, just add in some cayenne pepper and cinnamon. It will not over spice the cake, but will give it that extra kick and exotic taste, just like the original Aztec Chocolate Drink!~
Notes: If you are allergic to waluts, then you may omit them. Also, if you are allergic to wheat, then you can omit the whole wheat flour and use all-purpose, or cake flour instead.
This recipe has unsweetened cocoa in it, which is packed with nutrients. Much like dark chocolate, unsweetened cocoa powder has many flavonoids and antioxidants that boost your health. Cocoa powder is made from the ground seeds of the cacao tree. Andrew Weil, M.D. says that unsweetened, unprocessed cocoa can decrease the likelihood of high blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer.