Tai Chi Tofu


A piece of Tofu
Chinese Spring Onions
A pound of ground beef
2 teaspoons salt, for cooking ground beef
1 teaspoon Salad oil
1 teaspoon Sweet Sauce


Cooking meat and scallions as the decorations, cooks put them in the bottom of the bowl and then put the tofu and seasoning on the top. Facing the bowl, the tofu looks like a picture of Tai Chi. Finally, it is ready to eat.


Bringing people together
The eastern Chinese prefer Confucian cuisine, including well-known dishes such as Babao Bean Drum and Candied Floss.
Confucian cuisine represents Chinese traditional cuisine, in which most cooks use steaming and boiling. Tai Chi Tofu is one of the most representative foods of Confucian cuisine. Cooking meat and scallions as the decorations, cooks put them in the bottom of the bowl and then put the tofu and seasoning on the top. Facing the bowl, the tofu looks like a picture of Tai Chi. Finally, it is ready to eat.
The Chinese often use common sayings like “two heads are better than one” to describe the importance of holding friends together; and the great Chinese philosopher Confucius once said, “All within the four seas, Chinese are brothers.” These sentences tell us that lots of cooks always study different kinds of cooking methods, especially cooks in fancy restaurants.
Obviously, under this historical condition, cooks prefer to make friends with their diners. The more frequently we come to the Confucians’ restaurants, the more friends we would meet.

Other Names:

Tai Chi Tofu


Monday, May 16, 2016 - 6:59am


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