Chocolate Kiwi Tarts
The Golden Kiwi was developed in New Zealand in 1992. The flesh of this fruit has an amazing tropical aroma with a light touch of lemon. Incredibly juicy, sweet and almost without sour, the flesh of golden kiwi can be scooped out with a spoon. You can add this sun-kissed flesh in salads, desserts, drinks or combine it with green kiwi to create a feast of taste and color. Golden kiwi will give you minutes of great pleasure but its ultimate value is presented by the exclusive mix of vitamins and minerals.
Golden kiwi is justifiably referred to as super fruit as it is among leading items on a 20 list of the healthiest fruits on the planet. Kiwi is a great source of vitamins C and E, potassium and dietary fiber. Calorie content of golden kiwi is just 100 kcal. Kiwi burns fats effectively, improves digestion and promotes weight loss. If you want to lose weight, eat 2-3 kiwis every morning before breakfast during at least one month.
Recent studies into the health benefits of golden kiwi show that kiwi plays a role in prevention of cancer, atherosclerosis and protects from age-related deterioration of yellow spot in the eye. Green and yellow kiwis are great to maintain robust health. Skin care masks of kiwi flesh and olive oil are very healthy, too. They give your skin a smooth and shiny look.