Question: Steel Cut Oats

March 7, 2010
how much water and how much oats for 1 serving of steel cut oats....thanks, so much......


Chris Paulk's picture

Regular Oats are 2 parts water to 1 part oats.
Steel Cut Oats ( like McMann's Irish Oatmeal) suggest 4 parts water to 1 part oatmeal. If you eat them regularly, they can be cooked ahead and cooled then reheated to serve. (restaurants do this with steel cut oats because of the cooking time required) You won't sacrifice any flavor or texture.

Curt's picture

Try reading the directions on the bag of steel cut oats.

Tonya Peele's picture

I make steel cut oatmeal every week. I add one cup of oats to 2 cups milk and 2 cups of water. Simmer slowly so the mixture doesn't burn or boil over. Of course you can add all sorts of delicious add-in like raisins, berries, cinnamon, etc.

Dg's picture and all....for you help and i read all the comments, i think i'll use the 4 to 1 ratio, 1 cup water and 1 quarter cup oats........thanks, again, for every ones help....dg

Linda Owens's picture

If you want to make steel cut oats overnight in the crock pot use 1/4 cup oats and 1 1/2 cup water for 1 serving. Use a small crock pot (2 quart or smaller) and the low setting..