I've done it, but you'll want to account for a few things.
1. regular oats don't cook as fast as quick oats.
2. Regular oats may need a little tiny bit more moisture to cook.
3. Quick oats have a mushier texture when cooked- which is a good reason to use regular oats
(FYI when My recipe calls for quick oats and I use regular- I add 1-2 tbsp extra water and consider about 1 tsp extra oil or butter. )
I've put regular oats in the blender or food processor and pulsed them a few times to get them broken into smaller pieces. You can use the pulsed regular oats just like you would quick oats.
February 21, 2011
I've done it, but you'll want to account for a few things.
1. regular oats don't cook as fast as quick oats.
2. Regular oats may need a little tiny bit more moisture to cook.
3. Quick oats have a mushier texture when cooked- which is a good reason to use regular oats
(FYI when My recipe calls for quick oats and I use regular- I add 1-2 tbsp extra water and consider about 1 tsp extra oil or butter. )
February 21, 2011
Thanks for the suggestion, let ya know how it works out!
February 23, 2011
I've put regular oats in the blender or food processor and pulsed them a few times to get them broken into smaller pieces. You can use the pulsed regular oats just like you would quick oats.