Michelle Hebert

Things you should know:

- I laugh at lot at work (I know believe it or not! It's True) That's why Wiley dubbed me Giggles.

- I get frustrated when I make plans with someone, and then have to decline other opportunities due to those plans and then BAM! They cancel on me. >.<

- I get to listen to music all day while I work. I rock the headphones.

- Yeah I have an 80 lock and I'm damn proud of it.

- I look forward to Eurovision every year.

- I fight Stigma by bringing education to the masses.

- I love my job, and I really mean it ^.^ (I secretly [not so secret anymore] sift through the profile pages of friends to see what they do for a living now. I can't say I'm jealous.)

- I follow a LOT of television. So much so that I have to keep a "to do list" or calendar to keep it all straight. And 98% of the shows I watch are done so online.

- Every now and then I make a very snarky comment. Despite being unable to detect sarcasm.

- I enjoy cooking, but you can't cook for just one person.

- Vampires don't sparkle in the sun, they explode.


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