Whole Chicken

Chicken meat is the most common form of poultry in the world. Nearly all parts of the bird can be used for food and it can be cooked in different ways. Whole chicken refers to the uncut "dressed" chicken. This means the feathers, feet, head, and internal organs have been removed. Smaller chickens are called Broilers (1-3 pounds and 4-6 weeks of age), slightly bigger are Fryers (3 1/2 - 4 1/2 pounds and 6-10 weeks of age), the next largest chicken is the Stewing Hen, or Fowl, (6-8 pounds and over 10 months of age), and finally the Roasters (7-9 pounds and 3-5 months of age).
Physical Description
Tasting Notes
Selecting and Buying
Preparation and Use
Smoke, bake, broil, boil, BBQ, Sous Vide
Conserving and Storing
Fresh raw chicken can be stored in its original wrap inside the freezer from two days up to two months. When freezing whole chicken. Make sure to remove and rinse giblets. Thaw frozen chicken inside the fridge to avoid bacteria growth