Chloride is a chemical the human body needs to process food into energy. Chloride can be found in table salt or sea salt as sodium chloride. Foods with a high amount of chloride include seaweed, rye, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and olives.
Translations: Hlorīds, Chloridas, Clorură, Klorid, Chlorek, क्लोरिड, Cloreto, Хлорид, Χλωριούχο, كلوريد, 염화물, Chlorid, Khlorida, Klorido, 氯化物, Clorur, Chlorid, Cloruro, כלוריד, Klorid, Хлорид, 塩化, Chlorure, Chlorid, Klorid, Cloruro, Хлорид, Kloridi, Хлорид