Mache Lettuce


Gourmet salad green, having a very unique, piquant flavor! An old delicious favorite, regaining popularity!


Other names: Corn Salad
Translations: Mâche Salāti, Mâche Salotos, Mache Salată verde, Mache Zelena salata, Mache Sałata, लुगदी लेटिष, Mache Alface, Маше Салаты, Mache Μαρούλι, ماش الخس, 종이 상추, Hmota Salát, Mache Selada, Mashey litsugas, 马切生菜, Mache Enciam, Mâche Solata, Hmota Šalát, Mache Lattuga, Mache חסה, Sallad mache, Каша Зелена салата, マッヘレタス, Mâche Laitue, Mache Salat, Mache Salat, Mache Salat, Mache Lechuga, Маші Салати, Mache Salaatit, Маше Марули

Physical Description

Mache grows in small green rosettes. The leaves are slightly elongated ovals attached in the center without excessive veining. The leaves are normally picked separately because of the tender nature of the plant.

Colors: light green to dark green

Tasting Notes

Flavors: peppery, spicy
Mouthfeel: Tender, Crisp, Spicy
Food complements: Blue berries, Feta, Avocado
Substitutes: Arugula, Kyoto mizuna

Selecting and Buying

Seasonality: january, february, march, april, opctober, november, december
Peak: january, february, november, december
Choosing: Choose leaves that are free of any insect damage. They should be firm with a slightly earthy scent.
Buying: This green may be difficult to buy from most conventional sources. Private growers specializing in salad greens are most likely to offer mache during its growing season.
Procuring: Mache is normally grown as a fall or spring green. Its small size, slow rate of growth, and delicate nature make it a difficult green to grow on a large scale. It is cold hardy and can survive sub-zero temperatures with no protection. It bolts immediately in spring when the days lengthen and warm, ending the growing season until fall. It can be sown in a bed or row a few weeks before the first fall frost and left in place until spring.

Preparation and Use

Mache is typically combined with other greens or potherbs to form a salad. A hot dressing that will wilt the leaves may be used in place of the more common cold dressing. It can also be sauteed with oil or boiled with other greens.

Cleaning: The rosettes should be rinsed briefly in lightly salted water. That will remove any lingering dirt and clinging insects. After that the leaves should be rinsed in clean water and patted dry. Take care to remove any discolored leaves.

Conserving and Storing

Mache does not store well for any length of time. It may be refrigerated for a few days. If it is being grown at home the best choice is to only harvest what will be eaten immediately. The rest of the leaves will keep best on the plant. Freezing and canning are not recommended ways to preserve mache for later use. It can be dehydrated and added to a mixture of other dehydrated vegetables. It is not particularly noticeable when rehydrated and added to soups or casseroles.



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