Lentil Sprouts


As with bean sprouts, lentil sprouts are lentils which have been encouraged to sprout by submerging it in water for a few hours and is "harvested" and used in salads and other dishes.


Translations: Lēcu kāposti, Lęšiai daigai, Linte varză, Klice leće, Đậu sprouts, Kiełki soczewicy, Linzenkiemen, अंकुरित दाल, Lentilha Sprouts, Чечевица Ростки, Φακές λαχανάκια, براعم العدس, 렌즈콩 콩나물, Čočka klíčků, Miju-miju Sprouts, 扁豆豆芽, Els brots de llenties, Ohrovt Navadna leča, Šošovka klíčkov, Germogli di lenticchie, עדשים נבטים, Lins Sprouts, Сочиво Клицу, レンティルもやし, Choux de lentilles, Linsensuppe Sprouts, Linser Spirer, Linse spirer, Los brotes de lentejas, Сочевиця Паростки, Linssi Idut, Леща зеле



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