Sweetbreads are not a dessert, nor a type of bread. They are the thymus glands of lamb, beef, or pork. The most popular type comes from veal calves and has a rich creamy texture. Sweetbreads are very popular in Argentine, usually simply grilled and served with a squeeze of lemon. Less popular in the United States, much of the U.S. sweetbread production is exported to Argentina.
Other names: Mollejas
Translations: Dziedzeri, Kasa, Lá lách, Grasicy, Zwezerik, Timos, Сладкое мясо, Γλυκάδια, بنكرياسات العجول, Brzlík, Roti manis, 胰脏, Pedrers, Priželjca, Týmus, Animelle, שקדי עגל, Bräss, Свеетбреадс, 菓子パン, Ris de veau, Kalbsbries, Brislinger, Mollejas, Солодке м'ясо, Kateenkorva, Момици