James Grieve Apple


Apple Tree 'James Grieve'. Very sweet and juicy apples suitable for dessert and cooking. A large fruit with an attractive flushed colour.James Grieve makes a great cooking apple in September


Translations: James Apple Grieve, جيمس إحزن أبل, Джеймс Гріів Apple, Apple Grieve James, ジェームスグリーブアップル, 제임스 그리브스 애플, James đau buồn Apple, Apple James Grieve, Џејмс туговати јабука, James makalungkot Apple, जेम्स शोक एप्पल, ג 'יימס אפל גריב, James Apple Grieve, James Apple Grieve,, 雅梅斯格里夫苹果, Джеймс Гриив Apple, James Apple Grieve,, Джеймс Грийв Apple



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