Albacore Tuna
The Albacore is a large marine fish fro the tuna family. Its tail is deeply forked, and resembles a crescent moon. According to Wikipedia, It is the only tuna species which may be marketed as "white meat tuna" in the United States.
Translations: Garspuru tunzivis, Ilgapelekius tunus, Ton alb, Manje tune Tuna, Cá ngừ Cá ngừ, Tuńczyka długopłetwego, Witte tonijn, अल्बकोर ट्यूना, O atum de albacora, Белый тунец, Μακρύπτερου τόνου, البكورة التونة, Albacore 참치, Tuňáka křídlatého, Albakora Tuna, 长鳍金枪鱼, Tonyina albacora, Dolgoplavutih tunov, Tuniaka dlhoplutvého, Tonno bianco, טונה אלבקור, Långfenad tonfisk, Албацоре Туњевина, ビンナガマグロ, Germon, Weißer Thunfisch, Hvid tun, Atún albacora, Білий тунець, Valkotonnikalan, Дългоперест тон,