Featured Speaker: Social Media Expert Lorraine Goldberg of Allrecipes.com
Lorraine Goldberg will co-host the What To Do After You Hit Publish? social media marketing session at IFBC 2015 in Seattle.
Lorraine Goldberg is the Social Media Manager for Allrecipes.com where she drives social strategy and implementation for the world's largest digital food brand. She specializes in content, audience development, and engagement for Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter. Lorraine's career and excitement for social media started in 2008 when she joined Twitter to connect with fellow food bloggers and social influencers leading her to manage social media/PR for a top-rated food truck in Seattle. Her passion for building brand loyalty, customer engagement, social campaigns, marketing, and food led her to Allrecipes in 2012. In her free time she's immersed in Seattle's food and drink scene exploring restaurants, celebrating craft cocktails, and being a total food nerd. Plus making the best salted brown butter recipe krispie treats.
$495 for non-blogger participants (industry, media relations professionals, etc.)
Who Should Attend
Bloggers, Food Writers & Cookbook Authors
Publishers, Agents & Editors
Food Brand / Restaurant Marketers
Public Relations Professionals