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Featured Speaker: Green Bow Farm Founder Christina Miller

Christina Miller will be co-hosting the Cooking Backwards: The Art and Science of Local and Seasonal Cooking at IFBC from 4-5:20 PM on Saturday.

Christina started Green Bow Farm with her husband Matthew Cox in 2011 with the dream of raising animals on pasture to heal the land and produce nutrient dense foods. In this process of becoming farmers they have learned a tremendous amount about what it takes to build community in the local food movement but also that there is a huge need and desire in the general public to learn about how food is raised and why farmers do what they do. This appreciation of community connecting to their food and living a healthy lifestyle all began at PCC Natural Markets. Christina worked for the cooperative for over a decade learning and sharing knowledge about all things food related in many different leadership roles. It was this community committed to the healthiest food possible that inspired her in many ways to become a farmer and an advocate for the local food movement. To learn more about their families journey starting a farm your can read Christina's writing at

Photo byLena Eivy


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