Sponsorship Opportunities
For Company Sponsorship Opportunities or additional information, please contact Reno Walsh at 406-580-5919 or IFBCSponsors@foodista.com.
Click here to register for sponsorship!
The International Food Blogger Conference is a unique opportunity to connect with the “new media” of the food world, getting your message and your product or service in front of key influencers who write about food and the food industry on a daily basis. Food bloggers are more than just enthusiastic about their culinary experiences. They are actively socializing their experiences by publishing their voice on the Internet and engaging their community of followers in conversations around their favorite topic - food. Between 250 and 300 attendees are expected at the 2013 International Food Blogger Conference in Seattle.
*New in 2013! See registration for qualifying details.
Who Should Attend
Bloggers, Food Writers & Cookbook Authors
Publishers, Agents & Editors
Food Brand / Restaurant Marketers
Public Relations Professionals