April 29, 2012

This submarine sandwich rock art painted by Gift of Stone's Donna Brisco is a delicious-looking sub that may break your teeth should you happen to take a bite. The painted rock looks extremely realistic with its layers of sliced ham, American cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and onions on an Italian bun.
Despite its realistic appearance, the rock weighs about 5 pounds -- much heavier than an edible sub sandwich. For another rocking food idea, check out the recipe rock.
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April 30, 2012
Looks fantastic!
May 1, 2012
This is still avaliable! If you are intrested in this or want to browse her other rocks visit http://www.etsy.com/shop/giftofstone or her fan page https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Gift-Of-Stone-Hand-Painted-Rocks-by-Donna-Brisco/303593283026214