Take a nicely ripened avocado. Slice it in half length wise. Very carefully, remove the pit. Take a sharp kitchen knife, with one quick smack on the pit, remove and discard. You want the pit to stick to your knife blade. Take one avocado half in the palm of your hand & with a pairing knife, "score" the flesh in a cross-hatched pattern. Do not pierce the skin or your hand! Now you can easily remove the diced avocado with a large spoon.
Agree with above except when you want the avocado in slices or for stuffing. Follow directions above to get the pit out. Then, Take the pitted avocado and lay it down on a cutting board, skin side out. Using a small paring knife , cut through the skin in a "V" pattern with the bottom of the V at the fat end of the avocado, so you sort of have three flaps. You should be able to peel the skin off the avocado using these flaps. This gives you one-half of the avocado in it's original form but skinned and pitted.
If you are just going to make guacamole, don't bother with all of this. Just get the pit out and use a tablespoon to scoop out the meat.
January 14, 2010
Take a nicely ripened avocado. Slice it in half length wise. Very carefully, remove the pit. Take a sharp kitchen knife, with one quick smack on the pit, remove and discard. You want the pit to stick to your knife blade. Take one avocado half in the palm of your hand & with a pairing knife, "score" the flesh in a cross-hatched pattern. Do not pierce the skin or your hand! Now you can easily remove the diced avocado with a large spoon.
January 15, 2010
Agree with above except when you want the avocado in slices or for stuffing. Follow directions above to get the pit out. Then, Take the pitted avocado and lay it down on a cutting board, skin side out. Using a small paring knife , cut through the skin in a "V" pattern with the bottom of the V at the fat end of the avocado, so you sort of have three flaps. You should be able to peel the skin off the avocado using these flaps. This gives you one-half of the avocado in it's original form but skinned and pitted.
If you are just going to make guacamole, don't bother with all of this. Just get the pit out and use a tablespoon to scoop out the meat.
January 16, 2010
Very helpful, thanks!
July 5, 2011
I just bought some avocados so will try out your suggestions!