Tool: Butter Knife
A very useful knife which is used to effectively spread butter or spreads like jelly, jam, cheese paste on breads and crackers.
Translations: Sviests nazis, Sviestas peilis, Unt de cuţit, Maslac Nož, Boter Knife, मक्खन चाकू, Масло нож, Βούτυρο Μαχαίρι, سكين الزبد, 버터 나이프, Nůž na máslo, Mantikilya Knife, 黄油刀, Ganivet de mantega, Maslo Knife, Nôž na maslo, חמאת סכין, Smörkniv, Маслац нож, バターナイフ, Couteau de beurre, Buttermesser, Smør kniv, Smør Knife, Cuchillo de mantequilla, Олія ніж, Voi Knife, Масло нож